The mission of North Tahoe-Truckee Homeless Services is to provide vital safety-net services end homelessness in our region, one person at a time. We provide a range of services including access to basic necessities while advocating and supporting short and long-term housing for those in need. We are committed to working together within the North Tahoe-Truckee region to create a continuum of services that meet each unhoused neighbor or family, where they are.
Today we are the only non-profit to fill this role and have ended some of the supports that were available during COVID due to location and zoning challenges, in addition to funding that is now gone. We are part of the Truckee Tahoe Homeless Advisory Committee (TT HAC) working with community leaders with the goal to develop a Regional Homeless Action Plan that could bring a regional vision to functionally ending homelessness.
In 2015, the Emergency Warming Center started as a grassroots community effort spearheaded by United for Action to provide a warm, dry safe space to sleep, along with warm meals and community care. Services slowly grew through the years and when COVID-19 hit in March 2020, the growth of and needs for our unhoused neighbors grew.
In November 2020, AMI Housing, Inc (AMIH) absorbed the EWC program and created a DBA called North Tahoe-Truckee Homeless Services (NTTHS) under which we continue to operate. AMIH is a California 501c3 non-profit corporation that started in 2003. They provide housing, employment, and life skills programs to residents of Placer and Nevada County, who otherwise might be homeless. Their Mission is to house and support the most vulnerable residents of the Sierra Region. This partnership allowed for expanded services and the opportunity to gather data that shows the positive impacts of proactively providing human necessity services for unhoused neighbors.